Green mung beans, also known as mung beans or green gram, are small, green legumes that are native to Asia and are widely cultivated in various parts of the world. These beans are known for their nutritional value and versatility in cooking.


Green mung beans are a nutritious and versatile legume used in a variety of culinary applications, from savory dishes like soups and curries to sweet desserts and salads. They are valued for their protein content and are a staple in many Asian cuisines. Additionally, mung bean sprouts are a popular choice for those seeking fresh and crunchy additions to salads and other dishes.

green mung beans Uses

What Types
Of green mung beans

Do We Offer?

Our Green Mung Bean Type : Porridge and Sprouting

1. Australian Green Mung Beans 

2. Venezuela Green Mung Beans

3.  Ethopian Green Mung Beans

4. Myanmar Green Mung Beans

Product Resource

We source our green mung bean from different country including Nusantara Indonesia.

Our Packing

We pack the green mung bean in 25/50 kg PP bags and stuff in 20 feet containers. Need more information? Prices? please use the contact/request quote forms, we will be happy to receive your inquiry.